"Integral Institute is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to bringing the Integral Approach to bear on personal and global issues.
What's "Integral"? It simply means more balanced, comprehensive, interconnected, and whole. By using an Integral approach—whether it's in business, personal development, art, education, or spirituality (or any of dozens of other fields)—we can include more aspects of reality, and more of our humanity, in order to become more fully awake and effective in anything we do.
This site provides an overview of Integral Institute and its activities. It outlines the ways you can connect with what we're doing. Here you'll also find an overview of the Integral Multiplex—our community of websites, pictured to the right.
As you click around, we think you'll see that "Integral" is not only a "theory of everything," but involves new ways of working, loving, creating, playing, and interacting in a complex and evolving world—it's a worldview for the 21st Century".
Very, very exciting site! Peter Kessler