Sonntag, April 21, 2013

Discover Your Potential

Kulturwandel in Unternehmen | Filme
Entrepreneurship Summit 2012, Berlin
Ein Vortrag von Gerald Hüther über die Wichtigkeit von Begeisterung zur Entfaltung von Potentialen

Sehr empfohlen !


Mittwoch, April 17, 2013

Donnerstag, April 04, 2013

TEDGlobal 2013 with Br.David - Think Again

Brother David Steindl-Rast - Homepage

"June 10-14, 2013
Edinburgh International Conference Centre
Edinburgh, Scotland

We are in the midst of a global remix. Disciplines merge and cross-pollinate. Power and authority are redistributed. Boundaries shift -- or disappear. A new world is emerging at the intersection of once-separated realities, and everything we think we know might just be wrong. TEDGlobal 2013 will bring together those who challenge us to pause for an instant and Think Again."
