Dienstag, Juli 31, 2007

Spirit at Work

Is it there, is it coming back, is it disappearing - this Spirit at Work?

Very interesting site! - SPIRIT at WORK

Freitag, Juli 27, 2007

The Aging Workforce: Are We Ready?

This is ASA's (American Society on Aging) Journal, called Generations, title. With subtitles: Implications for workers, employers, families - and - Public and private sector options.

Interesting articles that might be of interest outside the US.

Peter Kessler

Dienstag, Juli 17, 2007

Zwischen Gefühl und Kalkül - Lebensentwürfe der Gegenwart

Referat von Prof.Dr. Gerhard Schulze, Uni Bamberg im NZZ Podium

"....Wie aber gestalten wir dabei unser privates Leben? Welche Werte und Erwartungen leiten uns, wenn wir danach streben, Beruf und Familie, Karriere und Freizeit miteinander zu gelingendem Dasein zu verbinden? ....

Donnerstag, Juli 12, 2007

A Good Day - with Br. David Steindl-Rast

Enjoy a beautiful video today and possibly again and again.

Be well.
Peter Kessler

Dienstag, Juli 10, 2007

Vacation in Sweden

Sweden was an adventure. Forests, water, nice folks, all speaking English. We enjoyed ourselves.